Present: Library Director Diane Adams, Darcy Sullivan, Paul Nevanen, Dick Peterson, Ted Saxton, Mary Jo Winkel, Lindsi Barnhart, John Dalton
Peterson called the meeting to order: 4:30 p.m.
Review of June meeting minutes. Nevanen made a motion to approve the minutes, Winkel seconded, motion approved.
Financial Report: The current bills were reviewed. Nevanen made a motion to pay the bills, Dalton seconded, motion carried. Dalton signed to pay the bills.
Director’s Report: July circulation is comparable to June and slightly below July 2017 circulation. We remain 10% below 2017 circulation to date. We have completed our third week of tracking the number of individuals coming into the library, something we do four times a year. Based on that we have seen 5% fewer individuals utilizing the building in 2018, and I would imagine that is primarily children as we haven’t seen many families of school age children utilizing the junior room this summer. We had over 80 at the juggler and over 50 at the Climb Theater program.
Part-time employee Megan Boe has had all her paperwork approved to open a day care and her last day with us will be Thursday, August 16th. We will not be hiring an additional person at this time, but filling in hours as needed with substitutes.
Old Business: Upcoming Programs: Glen Everhart’s Heebies Jeebies on Tuesday, August 14 at 3:30 pm. Storytime continues through August 16th, then a break until September 13. Summer reading finale ice cream party on August 22, all day with the sculpture unveiling at 6pm.
Still need to make contact with a contractor and see if we can get a bid on converting space upstairs to a recording studio.
New Business: September board meeting – Director Adams gone, board decided to move to Tuesday, Sept. 11, 4:30pm.
Friends of Library book sale: August 24, noon – 4 pm
John just finished Alone at the Top by Lonnie Dupre, Dick’s reading Deep Dark Descending by Allen Eskens, Paul continues with One Man’s Meat by E.B. White, Ted has gotten sucked into Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast “Revisionist History” while Darcy continues through Minnesota 1918 by Curt Brown, Mary Jo is reading Pursuit of Other Interests by Jim Kokoris, Lindsi is reading Little House in the Big Woods with her kids and Diane just started Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.
Next board meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 5:05 pm