Library Column for February 20, 2019

@ Your Library

This winter seems to be getting to me more than many so I am doing lots of comfort reading rather than challenging myself, at least not much. For a complete complete change of scenery I read the new graphic story FTL, y’all! Tales from the age of the $200 warp drive edited by Amanda Lafrenais. It is an interesting collection of stories about a date in the not so distant future when detailed schematics of how to build a faster-than-light engine are anonymously uploaded to the Internet and space travel becomes instantly available and within reach of most of humankind.

While The Mortal Word by Genevieve Cogman is set in a snowy alternate Paris, it is the fifth book of the “Invisible Library” series and so I had to read it and wish along with most of the characters for warmer weather as librarians try to establish a truce between dragons and fey in the universe.  I love the fact that librarians get to be the heroes, brave danger and try to keep the worlds balanced.  It has been a fun series that started with The Invisible Library.

I read Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy for a delightful return to Prince Edward Island and a story true to the heart of L.M. Montgomery about Marilla and how she got to be the Marilla we know from Anne of Green Gables.

My challenging read for the new year was Prisoners of Geography: ten maps that explain everything about the world by Tim Marshall.  It was a fascinating look at how geography influences politics and boundaries and how countries use and are affected by the topography of the land. It was a marvelous read and I am looking forward to reading the next two books in his ‘Politics of Power’ series, A Flag Worth Dying for and The Age of Walls.

And if getting to the library is difficult due to the weather (or any time), then be sure and check out our online resources of digital materials through RBDigital, Hoopla or Overdrive and their app Libby. Find links on our website or download the apps, use your library card and create an account to access lots of digital magazines, e-books and audiobooks.

Storytime tomorrow, Thursday, February 21 at 10:30 am is for any young child and their caregiver. Each week about 30 minutes of stories, rhymes and song are shared around a common theme, this week will be woodland animals. Followed by about thirty minutes of free play. Come and expend some energy, relieve some cabin fever and discover other parents also struggling with winter and cooped up kids.

Friends of the Library book sale will be held on Tuesday, February 26th from 3 – 5 pm. All sales are by donation with proceeds benefiting the Friends of the Library support of library programming. Come check it out, there are lots of books on lots of topics. Come find your next beach read and begin dreaming of days by the lake reading.

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