International Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2021

International Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2021

Present: at library Diane Adams, Library Director, Dick Peterson, Paul Nevanen, MaryJo Winkel, Mona Johnson, Heather Weaver via BlueJean Ashley Kostiuk

Call to Order: Peterson called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm

Motion was made by Nevanen, seconded by Weaver to approve the December minutes, approved unanimously.

Financial Report and Bills: Motion by Johnson, seconded by Winkel to pay the bills, approved unanimously.

Director’s Report – This past year was both very long and very short. December circulation was down which is normal for December, and then we spent the last three weeks of it with locked doors. Not the way I wanted to end the year, but a reset was needed. We will be unlocking the doors and making computers available for use again on Monday, January 11th. That week we will maintain the hours of 10 – 6 Monday – Friday, so that I can be in the building almost all the hours we are open and observe reactions and responses to our changed signage. We will be posting signs that say “Mask Required: If you are unable to wear a mask, please call or email for service” followed by email and phone number. Anyone not wearing a mask will be asked to either put one on or to leave, if they refuse or we have to ask more than once we will ask them to leave.

We have been able to allow people into our building much of the year unlike most of the libraries in the state and probably country. The only way we can continue to be open is to have people follow guidelines so we will start out being very strict about obeying the guidelines and hope we don’t have to close again.

I was able to take most of the week before Christmas and the week between the holidays off. It was some much needed time.

Old Business:

Upcoming programs – Storytime restart Jan. 21, takeout craft for teens and adults, STEAM activity for elementary students and book bags with a craft for preschoolers

Gas fireplace insert – Board agreed the electric option sounded good, will work with Ted Brokaw on getting a bid

Legal Aid Kiosk – most parts are here, still waiting for printer. Unsure about publicity but have been told more information will follow.

Policies and Procedures – Internet Policy, motion by Nevanen with second by Winkel to approve the revised Internet, passed unanimously.

New Business: digital meetings – not an issue, originally city was saying we’d have to pay $18/month to use BlueJeans, the service they were encouraging for online meetings. I was going to present pricing for Zoom, BlueJeans on our own and Google Meet. City figured out they could include us in their subscription.

Donations – Nevanen moved and Johnson seconded to accept the following donations: $500 from George Hartmann in memory of Ruth Ritchie, $50 from Tucky Dill in memory of Carter Herberg, $25 from Mary & James Bigler and $20 from Shirley Frank in memory of Florence “Flossie” Knutson, accepted unanimously.

Next Friends of the Library sale – February 6, 12 – 2 pm

What are you reading? – Paul is reading Wasteland: stories of the Apocalypse edited by John Joseph Adams, Mary Jo finished A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s testing of America by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig and being a glutton for punishment is now reading Rage by Bob Woodward. Ashley is really enjoying the new Twilight book Midnight Sun while Dick enjoys Ride of a Lifetime: lessons learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company by Robert Iger. Mona is reading Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly, Heather is reading Little Women, Diane is reading The Huntress by Kate Quinn and Darcy is reading The Manitous: the spiritual world of the Ojibway by Basil Johnston.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 4:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm.

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