Friends of the Library
Our group supports the programs and collection of International Falls Public Library in many ways. We sponsor special events for children, adults, seniors, and families. We raise funds to purchase equipment and materials outside the normal library budget. The Friends also work to enhance and increase awareness of library programs and services.

- Provided books and magazines for those visiting Falls Hunger Coalition, living at Good Samaritan Assisted Living and River’s Edge Villa, and in prison
- Offered a craft project every Tuesday of the year, evenings during the school year, and all day during the summer.
- Provided every graduating 1st grader a “YOU CAN READ!” book with a library card application inside
- Provided funding for three summer reading presenters – an artist, astronomer, and musician
- Provided the community with a monthly opportunity to shop our used books sales, earning $775
- Had volunteers scan books for sale to Library Consignment for $515
- Hosted Project Bookshelf which gave a book to every child in Head Start and Early Head Start
- T-shirted 155 children who read at least 10 hours during the summer reading program
- Gave prizes for the summer teen reading program where 37 teens read 433 books
- Continued the adult summer reading program that drew 57 participants who read 386 books
- Continued Books for Babies for those born at Falls Memorial Hospital providing one free book at the hospital with a coupon for a second book if new parents come to the library
How do I join?
Download our online form (PDF), print it, fill it out, and mail it to the Library.