Library Column for May 9, 2018

@ Your Library

                May means school is almost out and that means the library is visiting classes at the elementary school to talk about summer reading which is just around the corner! Ask the children in your life if they have learned about the library’s summer reading program yet.  We are looking for kids (and teens and adults too) who read at least 20 minutes, twenty days of each month in June, July and August. Part of our visits to classrooms includes talking about new books that we think would make great summer reads. Here are some new books that weren’t talked about in classes that would make great reading for the end of school year reading.

                Fear of one’s own shadow is not unknown among children and many Internet videos show animals reacting negatively in such a cute way to their shadow, but Hortense and the Shadow by Natalia and Lauren O’Hara looks at what may be the overblown fear of Hortense to her shadow with a wonderful resolution.

                Explore shapes with a young one in the book Walter’s Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood. This delightful story about a spider and his attempts at building a web that won’t blow away, provides an excellent introduction to basic shapes.

                The lemming, a small arctic animal that was wrongly believed to jump off cliffs is featured in a new picture book called Read the Book, Lemmings! by Ame Dyckman with darling illustrations by Zachariah OHora. The setting for the book is the S.S. Cliff run by Captain PB and First Mate Foxy who try to get their crew of lemmings to quit jumping off the ship in hilarious scene after scene.

                Those just getting their reading wings might want to try Benny and Penny in Lost and Found by Geoffrey Hayes. Two young mice in the process of looking for a lost hat get lost (and found) themselves.

                Sergeant Reckless by Patricia McCormick is the picture book ‘true story of the little horse who became a hero.’ During the Korean War a group of marines found a bedraggled mare and decided to see if she could be trained as a packhorse.  She far exceeded their expectations and became the only animal to ever officially hold military rank and receive two Purple Hearts. 

                When I Was a Turkey by Joe Hutto is the amazing story of a man who spent two years raising 23 wild turkey poults. He wanted them to be wild so he interacted with them as their mother. It is a fascinating look at life from a bird’s perspective.

                While we are on fascinating, try Voyager’s Greatest Hits by Alexandra Siy for a beautiful history of the ‘epic trek to interstellar space’ with Voyager 1 and 2.

                A series of two titles (so far) by Judy Young entitled “The Wild World of Buck Bray” is great for outdoor loving kids.  The first book The Missing Grizzly Cubs travels to Denali National Park in Alaska to shoot a kids’ wilderness show.