@ Your Library
It is almost July already. I hope you have been able to do a few things on your summer bucket list (and I hope reading is on that list).… Read the rest
@ Your Library
It is almost July already. I hope you have been able to do a few things on your summer bucket list (and I hope reading is on that list).… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Summer activities continue to happen at the library. Join us for Crafters’ Café on alternate Tuesdays (see you on June 25th) from 11 – 1, Libratory on Wednesdays at 11 am, Storytime on Thursdays at 10:30 am and Big Play on Fridays from 10:30 – noon.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Summer reading is in full swing with lots of programs next week.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Welcome to summer! Make sure to take time to slow down and enjoy the days however best suits you and your family.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope you have plans to remember those who died in service to this country as well as spend time outside, regardless of the weather.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
The 2024 reading challenge continues. Read (or listen) to 26 books this year (one for every letter of the alphabet) and win Chamber Dollars.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Hope your May has been sunny and bright! Even if you must turn to books to find sunshine!… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Happy May! I hope you found some beautiful flowers to brighten your May Day.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
May is just around the corner and that means that the library begins to transition to our summer schedule and programming.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Hopefully by the time you read this, my crocus will have bloomed. I was able to visit Keukonhof Gardens in the Netherlands this spring during their tulip festival and it was magnificent.… Read the rest