@ Your Library
Summer reading starts Monday! We have a full week of programs planned.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Summer reading starts Monday! We have a full week of programs planned.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Summer is almost here and that means summer reading. I have been visiting elementary students and talking about the importance of reading and being read to this summer.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
The end of school year activities are in full swing. But that just means kids need the wind down time of reading each evening before bed.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Let’s root for the warmer weather! This weather is making me think about summer and special events with friends and family.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
May can be a month of rain, puddles and mud and hopefully not that other precipitation.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Whew! We have almost made it through April. I’m definitely hoping to see May flowers.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
I certainly hope April showers bring May flowers. I am looking forward to bright colors and lots of green.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
April showers bring May flowers. Does that include snow showers? I am ready for green and spring and growing things.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
Happy April! It has been a while since we talked about new junior room books.… Read the rest
@ Your Library
I am so excited to tell you about two new digital services the library is now offering to the community.… Read the rest